Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, we've begun... The nurse started the Pitosin drip around 4:15 this morning and they have steadily increased the drip every half-hour. Around ___, the doctor came by to say hello and check things out. He confirmed suspicions that we may be in for a long day of it today and said he'd come back around lunchtime. At 9:__, Emily started to experience some of the discomforts associated with the contractions and we requested something to help with that. Only AFTER administering the Stadol did the nurse tell us that it wouldn't relieve the pain, but would help Emily to relax (which is fine) - the part that got us was that she then told us this would slow down labor progress... :( Ummm, tell us that SOONER next time please?!?!? Em wasn't hurting BAD; we just didn't see any reason to suffer through if she didn't have to. Oh well, now we know for next time!

Anyhow, here we are at 10 a.m. - taking things slow and steady. More updates to follow!!! :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, tomorrow starts the "Big Day"... We go into the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday - 11/19) evening @ 5:00 and will get settled in and (hopefully) comfortable. Emily will be receiving medicine overnight to thin her cervix in preparation for the birthing process on Thursday. Thursday morning sometime, the doctor will start the Pitocin drip to induce labor and we intend to meet Savannah by sometime Thursday afternoon!!!! :-)

We found out Monday that Emily is a prime candidate for C-section delivery, so (if that does become necessary) please pray for a steady and skillful hand for the doctor, as well as good and proper care from all of the other staff involved. We pray for a healthy momma and a healthy baby - put those two together and we'll have a happy daddy!

Depending on what method of childbirth we have, and assuming everything else goes well and good, we hope to be home by sometime Saturday or Sunday! We are so excited and so thankful for all the blessings we have received, and for the joy of sharing this event with all of our family and friends. Thank you all so much for your continued love and support!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


How did we get to 39 weeks already!?

Hello everyone!
I know it has been way too long since we have posted a blog, I do apologize. Life sure does get busy quick and over the past several months we have been working on the nursery, going to our regularly scheduled doctor's visits, working on the nursery, going to church, working on the nursery and working on the nursery. Can you tell what we have been doing a lot of?? Well, the good news is the nursery is done! :) I will be the first to admit I stressed over this nursery for a long time. We kept running into problems and for every two steps forward we would take 4 steps back! We have been so blessed with wonderful friends and family that have come over many times to help us prepare. THANK YOU EVERYONE who has helped on the nursery, you know who you are, but also MANY THANKS to those that have supported up emotionally.
Now for the fun part. Every doctor's visit we have had so far has gone very well. My blood pressure is always good, usually stays around 120/60, kidney function is good, weight gain is good and the baby's growth is good. We have been so blessed to have such a healthy pregnancy. A couple of weeks ago we started seeing the doctor every week and that point in time he began to check me to see how my cervix is looking and for any dilation. This morning we had an appointment and I thought for sure I would be dilated. I have been having very uncomfortable pains (contractions, not so much. Baby getting into position causing mommy's pelvis a lot of pressure, BINGO!) and not to mention my due date is November 18, that is in 4 days! After the doctor checked me the news was the ususal, NOTHING. No dilation, no thinning of the cervix. There is some good news however, we have 2 tentative dates set up for induction. November the 20th or November the 24th will be B-DAY. There is some light at the end of the tunnel. We go back to the doctor on Monday for another check just to see how I'm looking and at that point we will let him know what date we want. It will be all down hill from there! :)
I look forward to giving the updated information on Monday so all of you can update your calendar's accordingly in hopes of meeting Savannah Claire Lobenstein! :)
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as this next week coming up is going to change our lives forever! :)