went very well! Savannah is a very happy baby. I hate to brag, but wow, she is always smiling and laughing and now she loves to give hugs.
When it comes to shots, though, she is not so happy. She got the same round of shots today that she got at 2 and 4 months. The nurse is very good about being quick when giving the shots. Savannah shed a few tears but then she was fine and smiling within minutes! It was great! Of course, I remembered to give her some baby Tylenol before the doctor and 4 hours later I gave her a little bit more.
Now to the fun stuff. She weighs 17 lbs 3.1 oz. She is 24 3/4 in. long. The doctor was very pleased with her progress. She sits up without support very well, she "ga-ga's" a lot, she rolls over both ways and she can even hold her own bottle now! They grow so fast!
We finally got the green light for rice cereal. Yay! I have been wanting to do this since she was 4 months old but because I was still nursing, the doctor said she was getting all the nutrients she needed from the breastmilk. Well, I have stopped nursing and 6 months old is the starting age for baby foods so I am really excited! This is yet another milestone that is just an awesome experience for a parent.
I don't know if I have mentioned on here about making my own baby food purees; I am going to attempt that today so we will see how it goes. I've heard a few people say good things about it, so I figure I would give it a shot. I bought some red delicious apples so that will be my first puree. I will let y'all know how that goes.
I have to brag on my husband for a minute. When I was pregnant he came to every pre natal appointment from day one, except one, because he couldn't get away from work. But that appointment was so quick, he didn't miss anything. (it was one of those where you go in, you get weighed, you go back to the room and the doc comes in and asks how things are going, and as long as there are no problems you are free to go)
ANYWAY, since Savannah has been born, he has been to every doctor's visit with me and I LOVE IT! He is a wonderful father and an exceptional husband. He cares so much about me and Savannah, it's AWESOME! And you know what? He loves it! He loves to be there with us at the doctor. I know not everyone can get away from work or stay at home and that's fine, everyone has a different wonderful story. I am so blessed and have to give God all the glory for our blessings. THANK YOU LORD!
Okay, so the rest of my day is to do laundry, straighten up the house a bit, maybe go to the Y and then meet some friends of ours for dinner.
Thank you for taking the time to follow our blog...........stay tuned for more updates!!