My favorite time of year is here! Football games, nice weather and cute babies dressed up in cute costumes!
We took Savannah to her first Auburn game at the beginning of September. It was a night game so needless to say we didn't stay the whole time. Savannah did great! She clapped when the band played and bounced up down when the music in the stadium was going. She was so cute!
The most recent game we went to was Auburn v. Furman, the homecoming game. We stayed the whole time and once again she was a doll. She even took a short nap in the stadium!
Halloween came and went very fast. We attended the Fall festival at Frazer. Savannah decided to be a butterfly and she was the cutest butterfly ever! Just a side note about Halloween. I don't know how other new parents are doing about this but we had a hard time trying to decide how to handle certain holidays. (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.) For Halloween, we didn't know if we should partipate or not. We personally, were struggling with what Halloween really represents and do we want to raise Savannah with Halloween being something that we participate in? Aric and I both did Halloween growing up and are not scarred from it. It is so different when you become parents though. You want to be a good example and you want to teach your children the right things, the right morals and values. So after a good discussion with some great friends who are also solid in their walk with the Lord, we decided we would participate in the dress up part of Halloween but remember where our ultimate focus is. Dressing up is fun and candy is too, but we pray every day to keep Christ in the center of our family. I will have to get to Christmas later but that holiday will be tricky too because, that one is actually important. It's not about gifts that you get but the gift that God gave us........Jesus.
Moving on to other things. Savannah has a new trick. If you say, "nose" she will reach up and grab your nose. It is precious. She is not quite walking yet but that is fine by me. She keeps us busy enough with crawling. I can't imagine when she starts running around all over; I don't know what I am going to do! :)
As most of you know, she will be a year old a week from today! I really can't believe it and I will probably sound like a broken record all week by saying that. It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. She was this little 6 lb. 11 oz bundle of joy. Of course she is still a bundle of joy but she weighs 20lbs now and is getting bigger every day! Here are some updated facts about our Sweet Savannah:
-still takes about 2 naps a day, at least an hour long.
-down to 1 bottle a day and will eliminate at one year or so.
-drinks from sippy cup very well
-loves cheerios, pizza, pasta, ritz crackers, stage 3 baby food, bananas to name a few
-still doesnn't take a paci and does not suck her fingers
-she loves to slide and swing.
-she is very curious and determined. sometimes hard headed!
-she doesn't watch much TV but when she does, it's Disney's Playhouse.
-she loves to smile and sometimes wave, she can be shy at times.
Have a great day and Happy Friday!!!