Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, tomorrow starts the "Big Day"... We go into the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday - 11/19) evening @ 5:00 and will get settled in and (hopefully) comfortable. Emily will be receiving medicine overnight to thin her cervix in preparation for the birthing process on Thursday. Thursday morning sometime, the doctor will start the Pitocin drip to induce labor and we intend to meet Savannah by sometime Thursday afternoon!!!! :-)

We found out Monday that Emily is a prime candidate for C-section delivery, so (if that does become necessary) please pray for a steady and skillful hand for the doctor, as well as good and proper care from all of the other staff involved. We pray for a healthy momma and a healthy baby - put those two together and we'll have a happy daddy!

Depending on what method of childbirth we have, and assuming everything else goes well and good, we hope to be home by sometime Saturday or Sunday! We are so excited and so thankful for all the blessings we have received, and for the joy of sharing this event with all of our family and friends. Thank you all so much for your continued love and support!!!

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