Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Crawling and into everything

Savannah is now officially crawling! She started slowly, Monday of last week and by the end of the week it was perfected. She is now into everything! She is such a curious baby. I want her to be able to explore and learn but there are certain things we are teaching not to touch. It is hard for me being a new mommy "spanking" her and saying "NO!" beacause, she makes the most awful sad face and it breaks my heart. Besides crawling, she is doing very well pulling up on things. She can pull up on her exersaucer, the couch her crib and her playpen. I really have to keep my eye on her these days; watch out world, here she comes!!
Savannah's eating habits still vary. She has completed all of the 1st foods and once she got used to them, she did a great job. I called the doctor to ask about the 2nd foods, since she still has no teeth and they said we could go ahead start them. Well, the 2nd foods are not going so well. She seems to be in this spell of not wanting to eat. I give her the baby food 3 times a day and that is a struggle. When it comes to her bottle sometimes she drinks it all and sometimes she will only take 1 or 2 ounces!! I'm not too worried though. Some good friends of ours went through the same thing with their little girl so I think it's just that babies appetities vary as they are growing.
For all of you I am going to make it a point TODAY to post some more pics.
Again, thank you for following our blog.
Have a blessed day!!!


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