Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So, I got a call from Savannah's doctor's office the other day and it was a nurse stating that Dr. Conroy, Savannah's regular pediatrican, wasn't going to be in on Friday March 20 for her 4 month check up, so would I be willing to re-schedule. I was fine with that but then she said we would have to see another doctor because Dr. Conroy was apparently going to be off for awhile. So, we are going to see Dr. White on Monday March 23. I am a little nervous going to see another doctor, but feel good about the doctor's in this group so maybe it won't be so bad.

We have a busy weekend planned. Kristina and Jeff's couple shower is this weekend and we have a service project in Prattville to help out with. Aric and I, volunteer with The Leader's Club through the Prattville YMCA. It is a great program that encourages teenagers to step up and become leaders. Will and Jennifer Barrett are the other advisors and are awesome. We also help to show the love of Christ through this program as well, so we have devotions and prayer time. The kids are great and they love Leader's Club. I am so lucky to be able to be a part of such a great opportunity!

1 comment:

Aric said...

I, Emily, just typed the Random Blog. I was logged in under Aric so I could update our Blog's background. I had to make it more pretty!