Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I still can't believe it is 2010! A lot sure has happened in a decade. I can't wait to see what the next decade will bring!

We spent New Years with some good friends of ours. Savannah spent the night with my parents and had a great time. My parents eat up every minute they get to spend with Savannah and that makes me happy. I don't ever take for granted that we have grandparents in town, it is truly wonderful.New Years morning I woke up not feeling well AT ALL. (head cold/sinuses??) After some doses of Tylenol cold, I felt much better; until Sunday morning when I woke up and felt worse. So the New Year was brought in with me being sick and it seems like last year for the New Year I was sick. My spirits are high, however, and I am looking forward to 2010.

Enough about me and some stuff about Savannah.
Baby girl is STILL waking up at the earliest hours of the morning, between 3-6 AM, screaming her head off. Here's the thing, the few mornings she actually wakes up at decent hour, 7 AM or so, she wakes up happy and talking in her crib. Also, when she wakes up from naps, she wakes up happy. Back to the early morning wake ups. I JUST DON'T GET IT. I have thought maybe she was teething, but she does not fuss any other time of the day as if her teeth are hurting her. We usually just let her cry it out, but for awhile, we went in her room and as soon as we picked her up, she would stop crying, sometimes even go right back to sleep. Oh, but let us put her down and she screams bloody murder. Savannah usually goes to bed between 8-9. I know that is probably later than most babies but when it's bedtime, she let's us know, by either rubbing her eyes or waving when we say "night-night". The 8-9 bedtime has been going on for awhile now, probably since she started sleeping through the night well at just a few months old. Now it's to the point, where I am just frustrated, because, I don't know why she is waking up crying so early. Anyway, hopefully, it is just a phase or something. I feel like I really shouldn't be complaining/frustrated because being a parent is not easy and stuff like this happens so I should just get over it, but for this situation it is just hard.

On to more fun stuff, in the New Year Savannah is still doing a bunch of the same old stuff. She is not walking yet, although, she can stand by herself for a minute or two. I feel like her vocabulary is still limited as far as saying actual words, but her "baby talk" is very impressive. She loves to open her books and "read" out loud. Don't know what she is saying but it is so cute! She loves to point at stuff when she wants something and if you say "nose" or "teeth" she will point to them!
She is very headstrong and knows the word "no" but loves to test Aric and I. I feel bad when I have to spank her but, we have to set boundaries, right??

There are a lot of things I would love to improve on in the new year. Here are some personal resolutions I have made:
-Be a better wife to Aric (date nights will be a must in 2010)
-stick to my training schedule to run a 5K in March
-Prioritize my chores better
-make more to-do lists and check things off as I go
-quiet time with God, EVERYDAY, no exceptions!
-set aside time with Savannah and have "school" for at least 30 minutes a day (that will be a challenge because, my child will not sit still for even a minute)

We will see how these resolutions end up through out the year. Now that I have one year of mommyhood under my belt, I feel like I can do anything. Bring it on 2010, I'm ready!!!

God Bless!!



The Brooks Bunch said...

It sounds like maybe she is in a separation anxiety phase? And/or possibly she gets a lot of under the gum teeth movement at night when she sleeps (very common). Whatever it is, I can sympathize! Sydney is a horrible napper! I think she cannot stand to feel like she is missing out on anything or possibly her teeth bother her most at that time? Either way, it is tough and totally normal to feel frustrated. Sleep is precious! I'm sure it is just a phase and it will be over soon! Thanks for keeping up your blog--I love seeing when you have a new one! Happy New Year and Blessings in 2010!

Aric said...

Has anyone else noticed this seems to have become "Emily's Blog" instead of "The Lobensteins Blog"??? Just kidding sweetie - thanks for doing a GREAT job of keeping this thing up-to-date! I LOVE YOU!!!! :)

McArdle's said...

Good luck with the resolutions! I bought some books to do "school" as well from Ross or TJ Maxx for cheap and they are good. Thanks for being a "light" in this world. ZLAM, Brittany

Emily said...

Aww...I love the sweet comments!

Krissy, I too, love seeing when you have new posts.

Aric, I love you too.

Brittany, let me know how those books work out for you.