Thursday, June 17, 2010

just blogging...

We have survived our first week at MDO! For the summer Savannah is only going 2 days a week: Monday and Wednesday. That may change in the fall but we will just have to see. I didn't get as much done around the house as I thought I would with her being gone. I didn't plan very well on Monday by cleaning the kitchen and living room. I can do that kind of stuff when she is here. I should have gotten in her room and tackled it, because that is the most difficult to do. She likes to get in there while I am cleaning and undo everything I have just picked up. It is also hard to clean her room when she is napping. I will plan better next week and try to do stuff that I really can't get done while she is here. Savannah did very well for her first week at MDO. She cried for literally, a minute, at drop off on Monday. I wasn't able to take her on Wednesday because I had to take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test (yuck) but Aric said she did very well. The two teachers in her room are very sweet and on Monday when I went to pick her up she was so happy! On Wednesday she had fallen asleep, took a good nap when we got home and woke up happy. Happy baby=happy mommy! I think she will really enjoy it for the remainder of the summer and then we will continue doing this in the fall and even the spring. I'll be honest, I really wasn't that nervous dropping her off the first day like I thought I would be. It really just felt like dropping her off at our church's nursery on Sunday's. (I guess it did help that we had been there before and met the teacher's so we kind of knew what to expect.) Either that or maybe I was just ready for a break! :)

A couple of weeks ago was Savannah's 18 month check-up. It was uneventful but I will go ahead and mention a few things about it. She weighs 23lbs and is 30 1/2 inches long. Her head circumference is 19 inches! Basically I have petite baby with a big head! (lol) Aric and I tend to joke to one another about how big her head is. We aren't doing it to be mean, I promise, but as big as her head is, she can really pull it off because we think she is still SO CUTE! She got one shot, cried for a few seconds and then was fine. She seems to be doing well developmentally. Everything she does seems to be right on track with her age. For example, stacking blocks, saying a lot of words, mimicking (sp?), trying to dress herself and feeding herself. Those are just few things that doctor asked about. I have to share one cute thing she is now doing that we have been working with her on. Praying. Before meals, specifically. She will take our hands and sort of bow her head while we pray and then at the end of the prayer she very energetically says, AMEN! It is really cute and we hope and pray that this is the start of many more spiritual lessons to come.

I believe I have mentioned before that Savannah's favorite new word is "NO". And she uses it in the right context. She has also become quite the little whiner and tantrum thrower if she doesn't get her way. We are trying very hard to work with her on this but it is tough! Anyone else having similar issues with her toddler?? Please let me know how you handle it because sometimes she acts out in ways I just can't believe! We went to a birthday party last weekend and they had one of the huge blow up/jumper slides. I convinced Aric to carry her on there, since there were mostly big kids playing, I didn't want her to get trampled. Savannah ended up loving it and of course wanted to go again and again and again. I even took her up a few times. When we decided she had enough we told her "no more" and she threw her first real tantrum ever. She pulled out all the bells and whistles for this one. She threw herself on the floor, screaming bloody murder and crying hysterically. I picked her up, looked her in the eye, told her to stop or she will get a spanking. She didn't stop so I spanked her and told her that this was not the right way to behave at a birthday party, then I just let her cry it out. She stopped a little while later and was fine for the rest of the time. WHEW! Whether she understood me or not, I don't know but it was tough! Disciplining an 18 month old is not easy. (for me anyway)

As for the whining, she is the queen of it. I try every day to get her to tell me what she wants, sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. I know people say be careful what you wish for, but sometimes I do wish she could just go ahead and say complete sentences so I knew what she wants or doesn't want. I feel like that would ease the whining a little. As headstrong as she can be sometimes, she can also be the sweetest little princess. Oh, joys of parenting. There is never a dull moment.

I recently just had another prenatal checkup. I am now 28 weeks along and everything is looking great. The baby's heartbeat is strong at around 148 and my belly is measuring about 28 centimeters. Everyone keeps telling me how little I look to be due in September but I don't feel little. Getting around is more difficult these days and I sweat at just the thought of being hot. I did fail my 1hour glucose screening. (by 4 points) The doctors like to see anything below 140 and I was at 144. I had to take the 3 hour tolerance test yesterday. I also had to take it with Savannah and everything turned out fine. I am pretty confident that it will turn out fine this time. My next appointment is July 7! I can't believe how fast September 3 is coming. That is right around the corner! I cannot wait to meet my sweet baby boy! (I still have a hard time saying that) I am just so used to girls I don't know what to do with a boy but I am so excited! I LOVE him so much already and look forward to raising 2 beautiful children.

One last thing and I really need to go. It is grocery store day and I'd like to go ahead and get it done before the heat of the day gets here.

I have recently started a new book called "Grace Based Parenting" by Dr. Tim Kimmel. I am only on Chapter 3 but so far it is wonderful. I suggest that every parent purchase this book and read it. It is a very easy read and the author expains a new way of learning to see ourselves and our children through God's limitless tenderness-to raise our kids the way God raises us. The author focuses on the model and guidance provided by God who is the ultimate child and family expert. (I just paraphrased the description on the back of the book)

Enjoy your day everyone! God bless!

P.S. As for the new picture at the top of our blog. This is one my favorites. This picture was taken while on our trip to the mountains. She had just woken up and already wanted to go outside. That is why she is wearing her PJ's and sandals and her hair is a mess. Anyway, I have tried and tried to capture her "cheesin" face that she makes when she smiles really big and this was the best I could get. I absolutely love it and just had to share!

1 comment:

The Brooks Bunch said...

Hey! We have full on tantrums complete with throwing and slinging of objects, full on head-throwback motions, and the loudest, burst your eardrums screams you can imagine here in DramaLand! I put her in timeout and walk away from her. And the whining?? Oh my goodness--yes, she is so dramatic and whines! She can say simple sentences and tell me what she wants, but the problem is, she wants to continue doing things when I need her to stop or when we have to go. Oh the joys!!!