I am 36 weeks and I am truly amazed at how fast this pregancy went/is going.
I go to my doctor Thursday and from here on out will begin the weekly check ups. I keep telling myself the appointments will be uneventful because if Thomas is anything like Savannah, he is just going to stay put until September 3.
In case it hasn't been mentioned earlier, we are scheduled to have a c-section on September 3. The funny thing is, September 3 is on a Friday which is the beginning of Labor Day weekend. (Ha! get it.... "Labor Day".....and the crickets are chirping)
Moving on...the nursery is almost ready. We have everything we need to go in it, we are just working on some final paint touches. As soon as we get everything ready, I will post some pics. I think it is going to be pretty cute.
Savannah has finished MDO for the summer. She has gotten really good at drop off. I just hope she remembers that when it is time for "school" to start in the fall. She got comfortable enough to push (with my assistance) the door open to her classroom and mingle with the kids immediately. Sometimes I didn't even have a chance to say "bye". :(
"School" for the fall will start back September 8 and she will continue to go 2 days a week.
Savannah's little personality has been really blooming lately. She is quite the stubborn one at times but she can also be very polite. She loves to say "thank you" and "please". (sometimes a little too much but I guess I shouldn't complain)
She likes to give hugs and kisses when say bye to everyone; it is so sweet tht it just melts your heart everytime.
I am beginning to think that the Savannah is going to be a neat freak. If there is any speck of what looks like it may be trash she will pick it up and throw it away. If she can get a hold of her wipes, she will proceed to "clean" herself or other things with them. She spilled a little bit of milk on the carpet a couple of weeks ago. She looked at me and said "uh oh". She walked out of the room came back with a dryer sheet (where she got it, I have no clue) and started to blot up the spilled milk. I thought, "wow! she is going to be a great helper around the house one day!" :) I thought it was pretty cool because she must pick up on that kind of stuff from me when I am cleaning because I have never actually taught her that. I am not a neat freak by any means but I do like the house to be somewhat in order. I doubt her cleaning moments will stick around but while they are here, I will enjoy them!
Another day is here and I have stuff to do...surprise, surprise. I hope everyone reading has a wonderful day. :)