Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our dog has WHAT??

So, a couple of weeks ago, I took one of our dogs (Montana) to the vet with some serious skin issues. Thinking it was just hot spots due to this INSANE HOT summer we are having, I really didn't think much of it. The vet that looked at her immediately feared it might be ringworm and I tried to remain calm. She did a fungal test but said it could take up to 14 days to recieve the results! In the mean time, we have been very careful around our household and not letting Savannah touch Montana. I have been making sure we wash our hands all of the time and taking any other necessary precautions. Montana has also been on some antibiotics.
This morning I got a call from the vet with the results and it came back POSITIVE! Positive for ringworm! Y-U-C-K! This is not something I want to hear a week and a half before Thomas gets here. Not to mention having a busy toddler in the house with this dog!
This is so frustrating considering the circumstances and if there is a silver lining out there I think it would be this: I have had ringworm before and it is not the end of the world. It is more of an annoyance than anything. Constantly having to keep things sanitized and clean and making sure not to touch the infected area. (which is the only way it can spread) At least it is just a skin issue and it can be treated easily. Another thing is, I needed to sanitize the house anyway before Thomas gets here, so this is just extra motivation (if you want to call it that) to get it done faster. :)
Oh the joys of everyday life! I do count my blessings everyday, even when hiccups like this come along.

I hope everyone has great day and remembers not to let the little things mess up your day. :)

Here is a photo of our sweet Montana. Poor baby :(

1 comment:

McArdle's said...

oh no! poor you, poor dog! Good for you to look at the bright side! I can't wait to see pictures of Thomas and hear all the fab stories of raising two babies.