Happy 2 month birthday Thomas!
We have been busy bees lately. Thomas went to his first baby shower in October for a sweet friend of mine. He was an angel the whole time. We went to the pumpkin patch at the end of October and got to see his big sister pick out a pumpkin. Nana and Popsie got to watch Thomas for the first time by themselves a couple of weeks ago. According to Nana he was great! Also, Aunt Kristen came over last Friday night to watch the kids so Aric and I could have a date night. When we got back, Thomas was sleeping on Aunt Kristen and what a sweet sight that was to see!
Today, Thomas got to go the doctor and what better way to celebrate a birthday than to get 3 shots! Of course, he screamed his head off, but with a little comforting from Aric and I, he was fine and asleep before we could get on the road. Baby boy is growing good! He is now 10 pounds 2.4 ounces and 22 inches long. He has gained 2 pounds and grown an inch and a half in one month! Here is how Thomas and Savannah measure up so far:
Thomas: 6lbs 8oz - birth - 19 inches
8lbs 2oz - 1 month - 20 1/2 inches
10lbs 2oz - 2 months - 22 inches
Savannah: 6lbs 11oz - birth - 19 inches
8lbs 10oz - 1 month - 20 1/2 inces
9lbs 7oz - 2 months - 21 inches
As you can see, the similarities are amazing! I think it is kind of neat to look back at Savannah's baby book and see how her and Thomas compare.
A bit of great news we got from this check up was that Thomas's hernia wasn't protruding as it was at his 1 month check up. The doctor said we still neeed to keep our appointment at Children's, obviously, but we are hoping that once the surgeon looks at him, it will be good news. Good news meaning, no surgery for our little guy.
4 month check up will be next and in between that, we have Savannah's 2nd birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year! Busy times but extremely blessed!
Have a great day everyone! :)
Is it an umbilical hernia or epigastric one?? If it's an umbilical hernia, the surgeon is going to probably say give him until 4 years of age for it to spontaneously close (many of them do) and if not, then they will do surgery at that time. If it is an epigastric one, they will opt to fix it sooner than that.
It is not an umbilical hernia so I guess it is the other one...so, surgery is a big deal for a baby his age, right?
Is it in his tummy region or is it in the groin region (inguinal hernia?) Either way, these are common surgeries that are done every day at Children's Hospitals. We have 4 pediatric surgeons at our hospital and they each do several of these a week. Keep me posted-
It is in the groin region. Whew! Glad to hear they are common surgeries. Thank you!!!
I will definitely keep you posted!
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