It's been way too long and I have a lot to catch up on. I'll go ahead and warn you now, there won't by a lot pictures so, hang in there and get caught up with what's going on with the Lobensteins.
Christmas came and went like a whirlwind. We have decided to start rotating out Christmas and Thanksgiving between our families. For example, this year we spent Thanksgiving with Aric's family so next year we will spend Thanksgiving with my family. This year we spent Christmas with my family, next year we will spend it with Aric's family. You get the idea. I truly believe this rotation will help save a lot of headaches. It is so hard trying to visit with both families within a matter of a few days. Can anyone feel me on this? The weeks leading up to Christmas were very hectic but praise the Lord, Christmas day was very calm and enjoyable. Before we knew it, we had way too many presents and bellies full of food. God is so good with all blessings he has showered us with! (not referring to the presents here. I mean, good food, a roof over our heads and a great family!)
New Years was spent with sweet friends, The Smiths and The Sparrows. We get together every year, either before or after Christmas and do a little gift exchange. It was too fun and the kids were hilarious! I am so thankful for sweet friends in our life to lift us up and encourage us. We were home by 9pm and I just could not make it to midnight. I guess having a new baby and 2 year old will do that to you. :) Poor Aric insisted on staying up to watch the ball drop in Times Square and ending falling asleep on the couch. He didn't even get to see the ball drop!
2011 started off just as busy as 2010 ended.
Aric and I help out with an organization within the Prattville YMCA called Leaders Club. It is a Christ centered club that emphasizes the role of servant leadership while incorporating the values of the YMCA: Spirit, Mind and Body. We LOVE IT! The club has taken off and reached new heights. We work with about 40-50 teens and pre-teens every Tuesday night of the month. We also attend socials and service projects monthly with this group. We may stay busy but wouldn't trade it for anything. Working with these teens is such a blessing! God has really worked wonders in us and these teenagers; I can't wait to see where He is going to take us.
Changing subjects for a minute, and unfortunately it is not a good subject. Some of you know that my friend Brandy has been staying with us for awhile. Well, she and her dog, Huckleberry, have really been troopers. Living in a house with a 2 year old and a newborn, I'm sure, is not her idea of luxury but it has been a blast having her here with us. Her dog had become part of our family and truly felt like our dog too. (our other dogs, Kodi and Montana may have been a little jealous but they all learned to accept each other.) We came home one night to him laying in our neighbors yard. He had been hit by a car. For those of you who know where we live, our street is very busy. So busy that sometimes it is annoying. SLOW DOWN PEOPLE!
It was a sad, sad day in our household. Not too mention having to tell your best friend over the phone! That was awful! We will miss Huckleberry. I have lost several pets and for those of you that haven't, let me tell you, it is NOT easy! Brandy is doing well now and getting ready to deploy to Germany for two months. I told Brandy that I truly believe something good will come from this. Something amazing always happens after a tragedy. God has plans that we can't yet see and is using us in a mighty way!
Health. That's is the next thing that has been going on around here. My mom has been lifted up in prayer and continues to need serious prayer. Her health is not good right now. I honestly wish I could share more but, with the limited information that I am getting, that is about all I know. I will try and update as soon as I can.
As for me, I am doing well but could be better. I am scheduled to have a biopsy the first week of February. It is nothing too serious just more of a precaution. I am a little nervous but I know that God will provide and take care as he always does.
Aric's father has also had his fair share of problems. His parents are in the process of moving to Bowling Green, Kentucky so I know it is difficult for him. No matter what, we know that God is in control. We are putting everything in His hands. I'm starting to see a pattern here, no? :)
On a happier note, we recently have a made a big purchase that was MUCH NEEDED.
Introducing the MOMWAGN! (yes, that is how my new car tag reads)

We LOVE IT! I'll be quite honest, the idea of a minivan was something I did not like. It didn't seem as "cool" as an SUV. Well, I am a changed woman now. I test drove one and fell in love. It rides like a car, but feels like an SUV. The room in this thing is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. We ended up getting one that had some of the fancier options. It has a dual DVD system, leather seats, satellite radio. The sliding doors on boths sides are automatic...YES!!! No more difficult trips to the grocery store! We are extremely blessed and so thankful that God opened up this door for us!
The kiddos...oh man are they growing fast! Thomas is almost 5 months old and Savannah is such a smart little 2 year old.
She is now doing very well at putting 3-5 words together to make complete sentences. Her favorite things to say are: "Come on mommy!" and "What's that?" Savannah loves to read. At any given time during the day, she is sitting on the floor "reading" her books. She cannot read yet but hearing her jabber away is too cute. The other day she amazed us by singing her ABC's! The WHOLE Song! She was so excited she started clapping when she finished. Potty training has been a slow go thus far. She knows the potty and what you do in the potty but refuses to go. She has gone several times for Aric but when I practice with her, it is like trying to push a square block in a round circle. (BIG sigh) She loves to wash her hands, though! Potty or not, she is always saying, "wash the hands?" Our sweet Savannah can be very independent at times, wanting to wipe her own face, get in the van by herself, get dressed and even go take naps on her own. What happened to my baby??!! She also has started the terrible twos and throwing tantrums. The first real big one happend at Family Christian book store last week and I thought I was going to lose it. I remained calm, not drawing any more attention than I had too. I tucked her under my arms like a football and we left. It was awful! I don't know the best way to handle those but I was the mom with that child out in public. Oh well, hopefully this phase won't last too long. She is very well behaved overall and we are very pleased with her calm demeanor.
Thomas is such a sweet boy. He has been sleeping through the night ok up until recently. We just went to Mississippi this past weekend to visit Aric's sister. We didn't get on the road until late Friday night and that messed up Thomas's sleeping pattern. Since then he has been waking up during the night several times. It is hard but we know that it will be short lived once he can get back on his normal routine. (We can put him down between 9 and 10 and he will usually sleep until about 6.)
He has been laughing a lot lately. Every time I play with him, his little face just lights up! He is reaching out very well and very close to rolling over. He is not quite sitting up yet but we practice a little bit every day.
At his 4 month check up he weighed in at 12lbs 10oz and was 24 inches long. Savannah was little heavier and shorter at 14lbs 1 oz and 23 inches long.
Savannah loves being a big sister. She helps out with Thomas every chance she can get. I cannot wait until they can play together!
Our church family has been awesome! Centerpoint is growing and relationships are being restored every day! We recently became part of a Connect Group. As they say, "Centerpoint is not a church with small groups but a church of small groups" We are not going to have traditional sunday school classes but connect groups. Basically a small group of people, 10-12 people, that meet once a week in someone's house to fellowship and discuss the weeks sermon. The cool thing is, all of the connect groups at Centerpoint discuss the sermon for the week so that the WHOLE church can dive deeper into God's word and be on the same page. We love Centerpoint and are thrilled to be a part of such a great church family.
I believe 2011 is going to be a very promising year. God is moving and we are following!
God Bless and enjoy this rainy day!
Glad to see you back! Praying for you and your family :)
Thanks Krissy! :)
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