WARNING: I'm sharing about my horrible morning, reader discretion is advised.
Wow! It's 9:30 Monday morning. I've been up since 5AM and all I can think to do is blog about what I hope will not turn into the worst day ever.
Yesterday's church sermon was titled: Jesus, The Greatest Teacher. We are currently in a series about learning who Jesus is. It's pretty awesome. Anyway, after the service, I was convicted more than ever, that I needed to get up early in the mornings to have much needed quiet time. I have utterly failed at having any quiet time recently and boy does it show! I have often said I would get up early to have quiet time, but because my son has always been an early riser, that would mean I would have to get up no later than 5AM. For the longest time, I used that as an excuse. It's sad really. I am basically blaming my son for my lack of quiet time! The reality is, it's not his fault, but mine! So, with this in mind, I told myself, sacrificing an extra hour of sleep for an extra hour of time with God is so worth it! He longs me and I long for Him!
Now,here comes this morning, earlier than I would like it to. My sweet husband woke me up (as I asked him to) and I slowly but surely roll out of bed. Looking forward to a much needed cup of coffee, I get it ready and head back to our room. As I set my coffee down to grab my bible and journal, apparently still half asleep, I manage to bump my coffee cup so that it proceeds to flip over and onto the floor. There goes a FULL cup of fresh hot coffee! To make matters worse, our room, of course is far from neat and so the coffee is not only on the floor, but on clothes, mail, and some of Savannah's books. (NOTE: our room will be spotless by the end of the day)
As I start towards the kitchen to get 2 rolls of paper towels, thinking, "what a way to start a morning!", I notice a mess in the corner of our room. I noticed it, because it was COVERING my cute, brown, sparkly heals. (NOTE: our room will be spotless by the end of the day) What could this mess be? None other than Doggie Diarrhea! As I back up in horror (yes, it was that messy) I step in something cold and wet. Looking down reluctanly, it's doggie throw up, fresh with regurgitated dog food and grass! Can I please wake up from this nightmare!!!? Not yet. I don't know what it was, but something told me to look over towards the dogs bed, where they sleep on the floor. Oh yes, more doggy throw up! (I got lucky though, it was only on their bed, which the cover can be taken off and washed)
So there I stood, in complete dismay, that Monday morning had just slapped me across the face. Honestly, my first few thoughts were, "Really God? I actually make an effort to get up and spend time with you and this is what happens?"
Fast forwarding... Aric came home from exercising... I was still working on trying to get the diarrhea out of the carpet...we both are obviously not very happy...the stench is so bad, we decide, he HAS to go buy a carpet shampooer. Thankfully the kids haven't woken up yet, so until Aric gets back from the store, I decide I will try and squeeze in some quiet time. (praying that the kids will sleep just a little longer so I can at least get 15 minutes in) Because we are learning about who Jesus is in church, I picked a bible reading plan that helps you to understand who Jesus really is. It starts in the gospel of Luke. The reading for today was Chapter 1 verses 1-38. As I am trying to understand the words I am reading, I keep getting side tracked to how horrible this morning was going. I had already decided there was NO WAY I was going to have a good day. Just when I thought that, I read this, "For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37
Wow....I just sat there for a minute. I prayed and prayed and thanked God for my day. As I was praying, another thing hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been sad lately, as you read in my previous post, about my grandfather. My whole extended family does not have a relationship with Christ (that I know of) and I was beginning to think that they may never know the Truth. "For nothing is impossible with God." "For nothing is impossible with God." There is hope! There is hope that my day will not be as bad as I think it will be. There is hope that with God's help, the lost can be found again! With God, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Here is to a Monday that tried to chew me up, spit me out and leave me drowning in misery because of some spilled coffee and doggie messes. God is bigger and stronger and created this day! I surrender this day to Him, focusing on the many blessings that sometimes get forgotten because of my own self pity.
God Bless!
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