Monday, February 19, 2018

Long time / Crazy Life!!!

     So, it has been a long time since Emily or I have had (or taken) the time to post on this Blog... "Life" has gotten continually crazier and prioritizing for time "on the web" has fallen by the wayside - much the way of the DoDo Bird, the Dinosaurs, and the time I used to spend on the Golf Course! 😄  But, we continue to find ourselves blessed beyond measure, even if the challenges and difficulties of life seem to carry a bigger (or louder) stick, at times. I looks like our most recent posts are from 2012. So, I'll take  few short words to try to catch us up since that time...

     Emily and I have suffered indescribable losses since 2012. In 2014, we experienced the highs and lows associated with a pregnancy that terminates for no reason - not once, but twice. Then, in 2015, it happened again! The doctors (OB, GP, etc.) all said it was just "luck" and that there was no medical "cause". You would think that such news would be encouraging, but it really just leaves you holding a huge question mark! It's a very stinging and unfair situation to live through.

     Colby is doing GREAT! Following an extended stay at the NICU, Jason & Brie have seen Colby grow and develop in amazing ways (compared to the outlook and anticipation that existed immediately after his birth)! He still faces *many* challenges in life, to be sure, but the fact that he's still with us is amazing, in and of itself!

     Our friends Will and Jennifer adopted a baby girl (Payson) from Armenia in 2011 and had another baby girl (Libby) in 2015. We continue to enjoy life with them, as we have children roughly same age and we continue our ministry together through the Prattville YMCA Leaders' Club and our annual trips to the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC, for the YMCA Christian Values Conference.

     Our friends Bradley & Lindy continue to be the friends that we probably see the most often, as Lindy and Emily help each other carpool the kids after school and Bradley and I continue to partner together through our business, BBS. Our kids (five total) are in the same schools and participate in a lot of the same extra-curricular activities. They have been close since they were born, and they all consider each other to be brothers and sisters together. We are SO blessed to have this family in our life, and we could never describe just how interwoven they have become in the fabric of our family.

    My sister, Shari, has had two baby boys (Henry in 2012 and Silas in 2015) and is currently pregnant with a third (James). Please keep Shari and her family in your thoughts and prayers, as she is currently in her 4th week in the hospital for bed rest and constant monitoring, as her cervix has been especially challenging this time around, putting her at high risk for a early labor & delivery.

     My other sisters, the Nurse Practitioners, currently seem to be keeping their heads down. ...or maybe not...
     Mary Beth is still in the greater Jackson, MS area, where she is practicing and she is also coaching a swim team and teaching swim lessons. Her girls (Lane - 15 and Lorilee - 12) are extremely active in sports and other activities, while also maintaining the highest of marks in school.
     Kristen graduated with her Masters and jumped into the NP world head-first. Additionally, she brought "a boy" to Christmas this year, so that was FUN! 😃

     Emily's sister, Katie, is still living the high life down in South Alabama. We get to see her whenever make our way down to the beach, and when she comes "home" to visit. We don't get to see ANY of our sisters NEARLY enough! 😟😞

     Both sets of parents are still doing what they do. "Nana & Popsie" are up in Kentucky, trying to weather the C-O-L-D Winters so that they can also enjoy (somewhat) less extreme Summers. "Grammy & Gramps" are still hanging out in Montgomery so we get to see them more often, and they are able to come cheer on the kids for sports - gymnastics meets, soccer matches, basketball games, etc. Everybody seems to be doing pretty well, overall, though!

     ANYWAY, that's something of a QUICK update on these past 5-6 years... I'll post again soon with a more complete message - some observation about the world; a challenge that we are facing; or [GULP] a discussion of the above-referenced traumas that Emily and I suffered back in 2014-2015. I've had a mind to write, lately, and this is the best vehicle I can think of to use. Nothing will be "publish-worthy;" it's just me trying to put some thoughts down on paper. Check back and keep checking, if you just don't have much else to do with your time! 😁

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