When most people ask me these days how I am doing, my response is, "I'm hanging in there."
While it sounds kind of boring and blah, it's the truth! Let me enlighten you a bit.
Since the last blog post, I finished my short weight loss little experiment with the Y. I lost 13 pounds total and 5 inches all around. While I was pleased with the results, my poor self confidence monster, reared its ugly head and told me I can do better. I am still continuing to exercise, however, now more than ever, I am making exercising a priority, NO EXCUSES! (I have since lost 4 more pounds since the end of March...slow and steady, right?)
Aric has even begun working out with a buddy of his. He gets up at 445 AM (no typo there) and I am really proud of him becuase he does this 3 days a week!
Last blog post, I mentioned Thomas and his eating issues. We decided not to go to the feeding clinic for Thomas. He has shown improvement in his eating habits and we truly felt that with those improvements, he didn't need a special feeding plan. He still has his moments that I let stress me out way too much but, that is something I am working on. :)
Oh, before I forget, the picture of all of us above, was a combined one year and 3 year session for the kids, as well as family photos for us. It was taken last fall and almost turned into a disaster session. Notice how serious our children look? We couldn't get them to smile for anything. It had been way too long since any professional photos had been taken so I was NOT rescheduling.
Moving right along...some very sad news to share, I have recently lost my grandfather. It was expected but it was still very sad because I don't know his relationship with the Lord. Thankfully, we were able to visit him recently when he took a turn for the worst. He slept the whole time but I prayed. Aric and I prayed together and then I prayed some more. This type of sadness that I feel is another level of sad that I have never experienced before. I have always heard of people passing away and loved ones didn't know if they were a believer or not. Didn't matter much because it didn't affect me (honestly.) I have also always heard in church, especially since I became a Christian in 2006, that salvation, through Christ Jesus, is the only way into heaven. I firmly believe that still today, however, since I know of this truth, I feel like I have utterly failed in spreading this truth to everyone and anyone I know. I have realized I can't beat myself up and I can only continue to pray that he is in heaven and I will see him again one day. For anyone reading this, don't ever give up hope and know that Jesus is here. He is alive and ready to forgive our sins. He is ready for a relationship and loves you more than you can possibly fathom. Jesus has changed my life and while I still mess up, His mercies are new every day. There is hope for us, a place where we can stand, someone who understands more than anyone we know...Jesus.
Shifting gears to some exciting news to share. Our mission trip to Armenia is right around the corner! We leave May 26 and come back on June 3. Yes, we are taking the kids and let me just say, I'm so very excited! I've been reading this book by David Platt called "Radical". ANYONE and EVERYONE should read this book. It will definitely get you pumped up about spreading the gospel.
I was a little nervous about the travel part of our trip but I feel that God has given me this peace that only He can give. It's really amazing! I can't wait for Savannah to interact with people half way across the world. Thomas too! This trip could not have come at a better time. After the passing of my grandfather, now more than ever, I feel like God has called our family to be doing this. I know that. We are taking a small group of teens we minsiter to through the Prattville YMCA. We have prepared for months and prayed for a long time about this. While in Armenia, we will be working in one of the poorest villages in the country. This will be my fist international mission trip. I have been praying diligently that God will be glorified and these Armenians we encounter will be forever changed when they hear that the love of Jesus.
Savannah and Thomas' "school" year is about over. This summer I am keeping them out of MDO so hopefully, I won't go too crazy! I plan on lots of days at the park and pool. Boy am I thankful we can walk to and from the YMCA pool in no time! They will start at First UMC in the fall going 3 days a week!
Fun times are ahead with those two kiddos. Savannah is doing just about everything by herself. Bathroom, brushing teeth, getting dressed and undressed, she even will get in and out of the bathtub by herself! (not my favorite thing that she does)
Thomas adores is older sister. He watches her every move and sometimes even picks on her. ( we are working on the sharing and being gentle behavior now)He is a busy 20 month old who is all boy.
I apologize if this post is so boring but I figured it was time for some updates. As for the 'Hanging in There' title, for awhile, I was feeling like I was doing just that. Truth is, I have some pretty crazy days with a 3 year old and almost 2 year old, but God has shown me that I am SO MUCH MORE than just here. His plan for me and our family is wonderful and serving Him is something that is far from mediocre.
One last thing before I leave you, it's already May and for me that means it's my birthday month! I always love birthdays. They are just fun! I will be 29 years old! MY last year in my 20's! Scary. Exciting.Looking forward!
I hope you all have a great, fun, weekend. Don't forget to eat some mexican grub on Saturday and maybe wear a big hat for the Derby.
God Bless!
"Instead, ou must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.
1 Peter 3:15
I really enjoyed this! I've never read your blog before, but I think I need to play catch up now. =) I really look up to you and Aric and your walk with the Lord. Keep up the good work!
Hey Preston will start at FUMC this summer and will carry on in the fall too! Maybe he and Savannah will be in the same class!!!
aww...thanks Amber. :)
Jenn, yay! They probably will be in the same class since S has a "late" birthday!
I hope I don't regret keeping the kids out of MDO this summer!lol
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