Monday, March 23, 2009

Savannah's 4 month check up

Today Savannah had her 4 month check up. I had all these expectations, because she seems to have grown so much I thought for sure she would be several inches longer than her 2 month check up and I definitely know her weight had increased. Well, here is how it went.......................
She is 23 inches long (she has only grown an inch in 2 months!) That put her in the 10th percentile for height. Our little girl is going to take after mommy and be petite. Moving on, she gained a lot! She now weighs, 14 lbs, 1 oz! At her 2 month she was 9lbs 7.6oz. That put her in the 50th percentile for weight. Not bad, although the doctor did call her chubby. That lowered my hopes of starting her on some rice cereal. The doctor stated that giving rice cereal to a baby at 4 months is not imperative. There is no real nutritional value in giving her rice cereal (it is mostly carbs and some protein but not a lot) and since she seems to be healthy that we should hold off on the rice cereal for awhile. I was a little disappointed, mainly because I was looking forward to that milestone. She does eat well, especially when we give her a bottle, so until either the doctor says so or she gives us any indication she needs more to eat, then we will start her on the rice cereal at that point in time. Other than that, she looked really good. She has no problems and developmentally she is exactly where she needs to be for her age: Rolling over, smiling/laughing, very curious, etc.
She did get her routine immunizations today. She was so happy until the nurse stuck her and then the tears started flowing. Aric did a wonderful job of holding her during that process and within a few minutes after the shots were done she was fine. She is now in her swing taking a nice nap. A little infant Tylenol goes a long way!
Overall, I was pleased with the 4 month visit. As long as there are no problems then I am just fine. She will go back for her 6 month check up on May 27th. Maybe she will have grown more by then! :)


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