Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy April!!

Wow, I can't believe it is April already. Time is really flying. This weekend is Easter! Looks like I have a busy week ahead. This year Easter is going to be very small, regarding family members I mean. Aric's mom is still in Michigan. For those who don't know his Grandfather lives in Michigan and has been having some health problems. I'm not sure of all the details but I do know he is doing better. She will not be coming home for Easter, they still have to wrap up some more doctor's appointments before she can head back. Shari (one of Aric's younger sisters) has moved to Tennessee to be with her fiance and won't be coming home for Easter. Aric's oldest sister Mary Beth who lives in Mississippi won't be coming to town either. So, as for Aric's family it will just be his dad and youngest sister Kristen. As for my family, my mom and dad will be here but my sister who lives in Fairhope may or may not be here. Ok so to FINALLY get to my point, there will be few of us here for Easter but we will be very thankful for the family that we do have here to celebrate with.
Easter is one of my favorite holidays. It is such a great reminder of how much our Lord and Savior, Jesus truly loves us. He died for us! How amazing is that!!??
The rest of the month is going to be pretty busy. The weekend after Easter we will be having Savannah baptized at Frazer. Did I mention that is also the weekend that my best friend is having her "bachelorette" weekend at her parents lake house?? April is going to be a very busy month for us but it's all fun stuff so no complaints from me!
Aric and I have recently made a decision to choose a new Sunday School class. We are looking for a more biblical based class that really dives into scripture. The class we were in before was great but we realized that it just wasn't quite heading in the direction we thought it was. Please pray for us as we start the journey in search of a new Sunday School class. For anyone that knows, it can be very difficult. You really want to make sure you are choosing the right class not only for the subject matter but for the people too. If you are in a class that teaches something that you love but you can't fellowship with your classmates then what is the point???
Well, I need to get back to some house chores. I will update again soon.
Take care everybody!!

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