Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Emily always does such a fantastic job of keeping up with our blog and posting updates about our family...  I just wanted to go ahead and make a post of my own.  And what better subject is there than to describe just how wonderful your wife is???

I am utterly and completely blessed to have Emily as my wife.  She is always caring for me and putting my wants and needs ahead of her own.  She has a remarkable and amazing love of the Lord and that always helps to return my focus to Christ on bad days or during stressful circumstances.  I have her full support, which allows me to focus on being a good provider for the needs of our family.

My children (present and future) are unbelievably fortunate to have Emily as a mother.  She willingly and eagerly stays home to spend time with them and raise them up knowing and loving God and sets a brilliant example of Christian living for them to follow.  I cannot wait to see how our children will grow and develop and to continue to grow and develop in our relationships with them and with each other.

Emily, thank you SO MUCH for your love, for your companionship, for your sacrifice, and for your spirit.  I will never be able to put into words just how much I love you and how thankful to God I am that He created you for me. 



1 comment:

Amanda Mathis said...

Awww that was very sweet Aric! She is pretty special isn't she :) Love you Emily!!!!