Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

This year was my 2nd Mother's Day and it was wonderful. The first thing I thought when I woke up was, "Ugh, Sunday?!" (just kidding) The first thing I thought was, "what a great day it is!" Not just because it was Mother's Day but for the first time in awhile we were able to go to church. The past few weekends, Aric and I have been out of town for various reasons and we have missed church terribly!
We get to church and it was so nice to see everyone again. The sermon was appropriate for Mother's Day. The sermon was on "Heaven". You see, we are covering the end times and when we started this series it was on "The Rapture", the "The Anti-Christ", "Tribulation Period" and so on. Our pastor has been going in a paticular order which, if he would have stayed in order, the sermon on Mother's Day would have been "Hell". I think the congregation, especially the moms, were glad he switched it up a bit :)
So, church was awesome and then Aric and Savannah took me to lunch where ever I wanted to go. I chose Tokyo. I love Japanese hibachi restaurants and since we already in the preferred community, I thought it was fitting.
After lunch, we came home and let Savannah nap for a little bit. We got ready and left again to go to Aric's kickball game. Yes, kickball. Aric has joined a local kickball league. They play at Lagoon Park every Sunday for about 6 weeks. So far, I have really enjoyed going to the games. Some of those people are pretty good, you would be surprised. Of course, Savannah could care less. She just wants to roam around so I probaly spend half of my time chasing after her rather than watching game. But, it is nice to get outside and enjoy the company of friends whose husbands also signed up to play kickball.
After kickball we did some shopping. Yippee! One of my favorite things to do. I knew that I was really being treated because Aric does NOT like to go shopping. We needed a new high chair for Savannah (hers broke) so we just decided to get one of those space saver high chairs. I am really enjoying it! (and I think Savannah is too) Our next stop was to look at patio furniture. I got Aric an early Father's Day present by letting him get a grill a little while back. To complete our outdoor back yard setting I thought patio furniture would be appropriate. Not to mention, I have been wanting a table and chairs forever! (We had nothing ) We found a really good deal at Academy and bought it. It is nothing fancy but I love it! It is perfect for our little deck and our tastes.
We ended the evening eating left over hamburgers that Aric had grilled out the night before and watched Avatar. (well, we watched some of it, then fell asleep)
You know, the material things that were purchased yesterday is not what made my day. It was just spending time with my sweet husband and little girl that makes for a fun day. I love being a mom and a wife and am SO grateful for my family! I hope all other mommies out there had a wonderful day. You deserve the best!

God Bless,


1 comment:

Aric said...

Savannah LOVES her Mommy!!!! :)