Thursday, April 22, 2010

And baby #2 is....................

a boy! We are so excited to hear this wonderful news! We would have been just as excited if it was a girl, but, I must admit, a small little part of us was hoping for a boy.
For those who don't know, Aric is the last 'Lobenstein', so the fact that he has someone to continue the name, makes him happy beyond belief.
Everything else looked good for this doctors visit. The ultrasound tech said everything seemed to be right on target. Length, weight, 4 chamber heart, 2 arms, 2 legs, etc. (I don't remember what she said about the length, but she said the baby weighs about 10 ounces.)
Dr. K seemed pleased with everything and asked if I had any questions. I had a quick question about the heart rate, which was 149, and then we were done. (I just asked him what the difference in heart rates were, because Savannah's was always in the 160 range. He responded by saying that, a heart rate between, 120 and 170 is what they are looking for, so there was no difference in this baby's heart rate being 149 to Savannah's being higher in the 160's)
We have decided on a name. It will be a family name that we are excited to carry on. His name will be Charles Thomas and we will call him Thomas. Charles is a name that is passed down from grandfather's past. Thomas is Aric's dad's name and we just so happen to like the name Thomas. We also thought it sounded good with Charles. :)

What an exciting day! I think I am still on Cloud 9.

Well, I'm off to run errands before the hubby gets home, so have great evening!!



Amanda Mathis said...

Yay!!!! Congrats to you all! I love the family name too :) Can't wait for more updates on Baby Thomas :)

Aric said...

So, now that the girls don't outnumber the boys in our house, do you think we could get a background that isn't so GIRLY???