Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mommy Blues

Today I have a case of mommy blues and am wondering if any other mommy's out there get the mommy blues too. Symptoms include but are not limited to:
-feeling blah all day
-not caring if you watch tv all day long
-letting your child cry just a bit longer than normal because you don't have the energy to get up
-unusual tiredness
-crying for no apparent reason at random times during the day
-feeling very overwhelmed because the house is always a constant mess (and I stay at home!)

I just feel like an awful mother today. I just don't have the energy to do anything and it is the worst feeling since recovering from my c-section.
Don't get me wrong, I really do LOVE being a mommy and wouldn't trade it for the world. I love staying at home. The time I get to spend with my daughter is priceless and I love every minute of it. Today is just an off day.
I called Aric at work and after speaking to him for a few minutes, I felt better. It was nice to just vent.
To all mommies out there, whether you stay at home or not, if you ever feel this way, it is OK. Don't hesitate to call someone though, you definitely do not want to harbor these feelings.
You can even call me if you need to, I will understand and you can even cry on my shoulder. :)
I think as a mommy, you are always doing so much, that you tend to "put off" some feeling or emotions at times because you are too busy to deal with them and then one day, it all builds up and you just have a down day.

I guess I am going to enjoy the rest of this rainy day.

God Bless,


The Brooks Bunch said...


I have days like that a lot! I think most moms do, but for some reason, most moms don't admit to it, which is really sad because it just makes you feel worse. I think you are doing a great job and tomorrow is a new day. I came across a blog one time when I typed in "not cut out for motherhood" and this is what I found:

It really made me feel better and when she says, "the perfect people are all stinkin' liars!" you have to laugh, because you KNOW it's true!

I commend you and thank you for having the courage to post how you feel and hey, if you ever wonder if you're the only one--check out our blog--you'll know you're not alone! Haha!

I'll say a little prayer for you and you say one for me. Tomorrow is a new day :)


Amanda Mathis said...

I am right there with you! I feel like this alot of days. And like you said, I think most moms do. Thanks for the encouraging words, and I hope you are having a better day today! We just have to remember that we are wonderful mothers even though we don't feel like it sometime! Love you :)

Emily said...

Thanks y'all for the sweet comments. They made me smile.
I love y'all!