Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Savannah's one year check up...

went very well! The doctor says she is very healthy! She is right on track for a typical 12 month old. Here are her stats and fun facts about Savannah:

Height: 28 1/2"
Weight: 20 lbs 9.8 oz
Head: 18 3/4"

-completely off formula! :)
-drinking 1% milk and juice
-still eating some stage 3 baby foods but eating A LOT more table food. She also can feed her self very well.
-only has 2 bottom teeth. The top two are about to poke through any day now.
-still crawling, yet cruises very well and will take steps if you hold her hand
-says words like, "mama", "dada", "dog", "car", "bye-bye", "teeth". (when we say "teeth" she will point and touch our teeth. When we say "nose" she will point and touch our nose. She can't say "nose" though. Still working on that.
-we can "play" ball with her. While sitting on the floor we can roll the ball to her and she will push it back. She really does it very well.
-she loves to point at things. We try and make sure to recognize the things she points at.
-she can play with her toys by herself for a good hour or so before she needs some attention.
-she knows "no" and has pitched a couple of fits already!
-she takes 1-2 naps a day
-she still doesn't watch a lot of tv. If I find her looking at the tv, I will try and put on a cartoon or something, which she will watch for a minute, then seems to get disinterested.
-she LOVES bath time.
-last but not least, she is definitely a DADDY'S GIRL. I am very jealous but I love to see her love on her daddy.

She got 5 shots total today. Prevnar, Varicella, MMR, Hep A and booster for h1n1. She screamed bloody murder while the shots were being given, but as soon as the shots were done, she was done crying. She did so good! We came home and she took about 1 1/2 hour nap. After she woke up from her nap she was a little fussy but after some "momma love" she was better. (Momma love is when I sing and rock her, she loves it)
As some of you know, we went to the doctor on Sunday and found out she had a double ear infection. She had been running a low grade fever prior to Sunday but she never once tugged at her ears. It wasn't until Saturday that her fever went up a little and she started to really look bad. She wasn't sleeping well and REALLY fussy. Once we got the first round of antibiotics in her, it was like night and day! When the doctor looked at her ears today he could see where they were improving.......such a relief! Having a sick baby is not fun at all and I feel for any parent with a sick child.

I still cannot believe I have a 12 month old. She is growing and learning so fast, some days I feel like I can't keep up. Savannah is a very happy baby and I am so thankful for that.

Looks like we are in for a cold and wet night so we are going to snuggle up and enjoy this evening.

As always, God Bless!!!!!


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