Friday, March 19, 2010

Pink eye = no fun!

Savannah has pink eye..... poor baby!
It started Thursday morning in the left eye. She had a bunch of "goop" built up. She had a rough night so I thought maybe it was just sleep in her eye. Less than an hour later the "goop" was back and then it started to look irritated. I called the mom's line and of course the phone nurse was at lunch so I had to wait an hour and a half before they would be back. Since it wasn't a real emergency, I figured I could wait. Savannah had no fever or any other alarm causing symptoms. When called the mom's line back and explained Savannah's eye situation, the nurse immediately said, "pink eye". I know pink eye is a common infection but I was really bummed! The nurse was so nonchalant about it and I didn't even have to see the doctor about this. They just called in an antibiotic eye ointment and that was it! By the time I got off the phone with the nurse, Savannah was still napping, so I let her sleep while I got ready so we could get her prescription later and then go to the grocery store. Savannah had perfect timing yesterday because I had just got done getting ready when she woke up from her nap. I went in her room to get her and almost started crying. The pink eye was now in both eyes!! ( I just had to keep telling myself, "common infection, with medicine it will go away") Her poor little eyes both had "goop" in them and they were very swollen.
We left soon after I got her ready and I feel like I couldn't get that medicine fast enough! I have to put one drop in each eye 4X a day. So far, she has been doing very well with the drops. Her eyes no longer have the "goop" but they are still swollen. The silver lining out of all of this, is Savannah is acting just as happy as she can be. That makes me feel so much better.
Today is the first day in a long time the weather has been nice, so, I am going to take Savannah to the park and enjoy this nice weather. (Yes, I will keep Savannah clear of any little children) Maybe the nice weather will do us some good?!!

God bless and enjoy this beautiful day!


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